"Wounded Home" Exhibition & Opening Reception

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Lloyd Library and Museum presents Wounded Home
an exhibition that has been in the making since 2011,
 when guest art curator, Kate Kern, was invited to tackle
 the topic of the Civil War for the 150th Commemorative four-year cycle (2011-2015).
 The Lloyd wanted to provide a unique experience related to the war as well as 
commemorate a special event in its own historical timeline,
 namely the arrival of John Uri Lloyd to Cincinnati, Ohio,
 to begin his pharmacy apprenticeship, an act which ultimately led
 to the formation of the Library
 that bears his and his brothers' name. 

The resulting exhibition, Wounded Home,
 takes its inspiration from a Victorian era parlor ravaged
 by the losses and upheaval of Civil War America.
 Combining the vocabularies of an iconic household interior, including
 Victorian customs of mourning and grief, with text and images
 from the Lloyd's collection of Civil War resources, each artist has created
 a facet of a poignant and disturbing room-within-a-room in the Lloyd's gallery space
. The artists, Mary Jo Bole, Deborah Brod, Jenny Fine,
 Saad Ghosn, Celene Hawkins, Kate Kern, and Alice Pixley Young,
 have been meeting regularly since November 2011
 and have created new works specifically for this exhibition.
 Lloyd materials used by the artists during their research
 are also on display, inviting visitors to make connections
 between the exhibition and the sources of inspiration from the Lloyd's vast collection.

click here for more info on the exhibition.


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